Self-Coaching Skills for Success
Everybody has an inner coach waiting to be developed. Learn how self-coaching drives personal change and impacts organizational engagement and effectiveness.
About Coach Your SElf up
Designed to Stick
Participants will learn an approach, techniques, and skills to coach themselves to heightened levels of success at work, and in all aspects of their lives.

Self-Awareness is Key
We focus on three areas. Our attention (or lack thereof), our self-limiting behaviors, and the self-limiting stories we tell ourselves that shape our experiences.

Rooted in Science
Built on a strong foundation of Neuroscience (most notably our brain’s malleability) and various fields of Human Behavior.

Keep it Simple
Powerful in its simplicity, the three-step framework called ‘The Self-Coaching Path’ can be utilized for the rest of your life.
Online Course
For Organizations
We partner with organizations to drive engagement and performance by helping employees develop their most powerful resource — themselves.
For Individuals
If you want to achieve heightened levels of success at work and in life by identifying and breaking through self-imposed limits.
What is Self-Coaching?
The idea of self-coaching lies at the heart of Coach Your Self Up and will be new to most people. If you’d like to learn more about it, we’ve got you covered.

About the Book
Coach Your Self Up is available in book form
This wise book arms readers with all the ingredients needed for becoming their own coach – a clear path to follow, inspiring anecdotes of change, and many learning practices to reinforce the skills and ideas presented along the way.

What People are Saying

Beyond Boundaries
“I realized I was creating artificial boundaries for myself. And when I was able to take down those boundaries, new worlds opened up.“
~ Shafiq T., Finance Executive

Innovative Foundational Component
We are positioning CYSU as an innovative foundational component of our approach to Career Development. What could be more helpful to an employee for taking ownership of their career than learning to see where their behaviors are getting in their way and giving them tools to address that?